Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The weight of the world

The last week has been overwhelming to say the least. All I can do is summarise.

  • A good friend told me I needed to ask God for the gift of speaking in tongues so I could be healed from my infertility. I do not agree. Hence a long conversation, filled with tears on both sides, ensued. We finished the conversation well, it was never really heated or angry, it was just difficult to discuss our different viewpoints. (FYI, she is also my very fertile friend).
  • My mother-in-law asked me, "How long do you plan to continue treatments for?", inferring that it had been going on long enough. We've done 1 IVF treatment and are only just starting!!
  • My mother-in-law is driving me crazy generally. She rings me almost every day, saying how much she misses me - even if I only saw her a week ago!! I've never really minded the attention before now, I know she's a little lonely and likes to "mother", but she is someone who can't handle much emotion and given I'm always emotional (even at the best of times) I have been avoiding her a little since ART began.
  • My sister-in-law has been very unwell and stayed with us for 3 days over the weekend so we could care for her. I was so glad to serve her in this way, but it has left me tired.
  • Another friend, who I met and bonded with over shared IVF experiences, finally became pregnant with her 2nd child after multiple IVF attempts. At 7 1/2 weeks she was told the baby would be unlikely to survive. A week later the baby was holding on to life. Another doctor's appointment today should provide more information.
  • My Mum's twin brother has recently been diagnosed with a type of thyroid cancer.
  • DH's uncle has an aggressive form of cancer and is undergoing a stem-cell transplant and is very unwell. I'm close to one of his daughters and would like to support her better but they live interstate so it's difficult to help much.
  • A FS appointment regarding our FET cycle revealed low odds of our eggs thawing. This means we have decided to do ICSI to ensure that any thawed eggs will be fertilised. We continue to hope and pray and wait.
  • DH gets his exam results back in a week. He is slowly becoming agitated. Again we hope, pray and wait.
  • I hurt my back during an aerobics lesson. Silly me pushed myself too far, thinking I was younger and fitter than I am. Now am walking like a much older version of myself - hunch-backed!
My house is a mess. I know that this reflects my state of mind. The weather has changed, almost as soon as Autumn arrived, and it is grey and gloomy outside.

I am feeling the weight of the world. But I know to who I can turn to relieve my burden. Praise be to God.


  1. Oh man, I'm so sorry you have so much stuff going on!! You are in my prayers!

  2. Much heaviness indeed. I'm so sorry :( Praising God with you that he is our comfort and strength.

  3. I'm so sorry that you have so much going on this week. I am praying for good news with the FET cycle and DH's exam results. What a boost those would be for you. Take care, my friend.
